Goldstein On Gelt

How Millennials Can Get a Grip on Their Finances



Why are many millennials broke? Is there negative cash flow due to circumstances beyond their control or poor money management? Erin Lowry ,author of Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together, is an American expatriate with an unusual financial perspective. Erin’s international experience made her view the millennial generation through a different lens. Are you guilty of the observations she makes of the broke millennials generation? Learn how millennials can make better financial decisions early on in their career to avoid this financial epidemic. Thank you, Saul, for your letter The Goldstein on Gelt Show listener, Saul, wrote to Doug asking for advice on his personal financial situation. Saul wants to know how you can invest your money and still be able to access it easily. After all, it’s your money and you should be able to use it when you want. Doug offers practical advice for investors about liquidity. Learn more about Erin Lowry on her a website Broke Millennial, or follo