Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

207: Career & Vocation: Wisdom for Thriving Now & Creating What’s Next (#2 of 3)



Consider this: You career is your path. Your vocation is your calling. Which means as long as you stay true to yourself, live your design, and stay open to learning and evolving... you will make choices in the jobs you take or don't, the 'vocations' you say yes to, and the organizations and people you choose to work with that are aligned for you. If your career is a path, that means that it will have turns, uphills, downhills, weather systems, and unexpected events. It's not a straight line or a ladder - although the over culture conditions us to believe so.  If you are a person who has dared to follow your truth, heart and deeper knowing, you have likely stepped outside of what is deemed normal, smart or successful. Good for you! That is what we do as co-creators who feel empowered vs. cogs who follow the rules or worse sharks who eat others for lunch to get ahead. We are at a threshold and big shift in the evolution of humanity - transformation, changes, uncertainty, structures breaking down - of which we a