Multiple Calls Podcast

Episode 63 - Ricky Nuttall



We could have an endless debate over the definition of suffering and what constitutes hard. And there are a lot of vague and dismissive things that are said on the topics, such as ‘There’s always someone that has it worse than you.”, ‘Look for the silver lining’, ‘Everything happens for a reason’, or ‘Whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger’ but no amount of perspective on severity, or validity changes your personal reality at any given moment. You are faced with what you are faced with, you are experiencing that thing or litany of things in the way that you are, and over whatever internal or external time frame that has been imposed on you, it needs to be survived if you are going to. That’s it. Just stay in it and fight to get more wins than losses over time. This is what goggins means when he tells you to ‘stay hard’. You don’t have to have a great attitude about it, and the root problem or problems may not be solved, but take the steps you can towards it or through it and chalk up another time you w