Beyond Well With Sheila Hamilton

Ep. 36/ Dan Schilling: The Military Mental Health Crisis



Twenty-two veterans die by suicide every day in America, outpacing deaths in combat or war supporting activities. Despite the military’s best efforts to contain a public health crisis, the numbers of deaths continue to rise. The Beyond Well team had extraordinary insight into the causes and potential remedies of military suicides in our conversation with New York Times bestselling author and former Special Tactics Officer, Dan Schilling.   Schilling spent more than 30 years in the military, primarily as a Combat Controller and Special Tactics Officer, though he proudly started his career as an infantry grunt. His numerous combat and clandestine deployments have taken him around the world and include Operation Gothic Serpent, popularly known as Black Hawk Down from the movie and book bearing the same name, where he is credited with saving the lives of a Ranger and SEAL Team Six SEAL while under fire. He later founded and then served as the first commander of two special operations squadrons, one of which’s n