Podcast Rodeo

Thinking Vitamins Reviewed



DescriptionSeason Two - 2023 - Fresh Ideas for Purposeful ProsperitySeason One - 2022 - Ideas to Boost Abundance.Website: https://www.jillmcabe.com/What I Liked About This EpisodeI liked that you were a former negative thinker, and now you're not. Also, when you talk about your subject, I can hear you "light up."What I Thought Could Use Some PolishingYour audio levels are in real need of leveling out. Also, you are pretty boomy. Get closer to the microphone. If you're using a Blu Yeti, be sure to see my video about using it properly. Also, you seemed to start the show multiple times. Introduce why YOU are happy the guest is on. We don't need their full Linkedin Bio. We trust that you will bring on good guests.These are all easy to solve. Consider joining the School of Podcasting, where you get access to courses, an awesome community, and unlimited one-on-one consulting.Join the School of Podcasting The Goal Of This ShowThis show aims to help you make the best episodes and grow your downloads. If you'd like a