Car Rides With Little Miss Gigi

The Story of Saul of Tarsus



“Someone must go and destroy the followers of Jesus in Damascus,” one of the Jewish leaders said one day. “I will go,” Saul said boldly. “I will go and destroy them all.” Saul and a group of men got onto their horses and began the long journey to Damascus. Once they had found Jesus’ followers, Saul would take them to Jerusalem and punish them there. Saul and his men rode for a long time. The road to Damascus was through the desert, and they soon got tired of seeing the dry wasteland, where there was nothing green in sight. But as they got closer to the town, they began to pass beautiful grassy fields with lots of bright flowers. Cool, blue streams flowed from the mountains in the distance. “Look!” one of Saul’s men said. “This is much better than the desert.” All of a sudden, a very bright light shone down from heaven. It was so bright that Saul could no longer see where he was going! Saul fell off his horse and hit the ground with a thud. He was very sore from the fall, and he was very afraid. T