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Shadow of War Kickstarter | Interview with Jak Lore (2023)



Rob interviews Jak Lore about the Kickstarter for the fantasy novel, "Shadow of War: Book 3 of the World's End Series" Support this Kickstarter at this link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jaklore/shadow-of-war?ref=discovery&term=jak%20lore   Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/Jak.Lore.Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorjaklore Link: https://twitter.com/JaronRMJohnson Tag: @authorjaklore Website: www.MythicLegends.com and www.JakLore.com   Find Go Fund This at: southgatemediagroup.com twitter.com/rsouthgate facebook.com/gofundthispodcast patreon.com/southgatemediagroup