Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

208: Relationships & Your Web of Connection: Wisdom for Thriving Now & Creating What’s Next (#3 of 3)



As we go into this next cycle, and look ahead at what we desire to create for ourselves, those we care for and influence, and the world, two thing I do know for sure is this:  HOW we do this must be done together. It's the design of how we create a different reality, rooted in wholeness, compassion, interconnection, inclusion & sustainability. Our relationships are a big part of both our personal and collective healing & elevation.  The time of the lone wolf, hero, guru, star, indivdual leader is done. The time of putting the world on our backs & doing it all on our own, and sacrificing ourselves for our cause, company or just mere survival needs to be complete.  As we watch the world around us transform, one thing we want to really open our eyes to is the realm of our Relationships and what I call our "Webs of Connections". So much of our personal and collective transformation and elevation can only happen in relationship ... to other people, and to communities, groups and eco systems of people.