Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo




Are you receiving the support, love and care you need? Are you receiving more than you are giving? Do you feel held by the Universe? Do you feel like you can let go and it won't all fall apart? Most of us don't. We are strong achievers and self less care givers, but we suck at receiving.  At the root of all the burnout, self sacrifice and overwhelm are the ways in which we are blocking what we actually desire or need to receive.  "Opening to Receive" is a practice I believe we all need in our regular rotation... it's too easy to push away the support we need, not ask for what we need, or try to do too much on our own. Do you even know what receiving really is??  There is lots to say about receiving, but rather than talk about it, as an end to our 3-part series on Overwhelmed and Over It, I wanted to give you an experience to OPEN TO RECEIVE... more of whatever it is you need. A meditation for receiving more support, connection and trust  An experience that would help you release the blocks you have in place t