Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

92: I QUIT! Defeated. In Despair. I'm Done - #1 of 3 Overwhelmed and Over It Series



I QUIT! What do you do when you feel defeated, in despair at the state of the world or your world or just DONE, like you just don’t want to and can’t ‘do’ it anymore? Every woman I know feels this way - and most feel like it’s not okay to admit it. Or they don’t know what to do with these feelings. I get it. I lived this. I can visit this. And so many of the women I work with feel this way. And it’s not our fault, but we are the only ones with the power to change it. We just haven’t been taught how to change it in a way that supports us vs. continues the strain and drain, Which is why I could just feel in the field it was time to do a series on Liberating Us out of Overwhelm - not spiritually bypassing it or pretending self care tips will do the job. But for real liberation. My next book, Overwhelmed and Over It! is about this very thing - it comes out Fall 2020 - And we need to address these things now! So we will in this Feminine Power Time, with me Christine Arylo: “I QUIT! Defeated. In Despair. Done” #1 o