Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

POWER PAUSE: Get Wise & Clear On How to Complete Your Year



When you pause in November to get clear about how you COULD spend your energy, time and resources and then mindfully choose where to focus in your work, relationships, and personal health ... you are so much more likely to end the year feeling good about your choices, and so start the year ready and regenerated for what is to come. This practice is called POWER PAUSING. Wise leaders do it 4-8 times a year at key points that harmonize us with the natural cycles.  Specifically we do it in November so we don't get caught up in the swirl of the holiday madness and consumption, but instead make space for what matters.  In this power pause, Christine Arylo, women's leadership advisor: Teaches you about power pauses - why they work and how they support us as leaders, esp during intense times Gives you 4 inquiries to ask yourself that you can apply to your work, relationships and personal health to create the space to complete what matters most to you by the end of the year Shares how to stop the holiday time patter