Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

MEDITATION: Power Pause Mid Year at Solstice



Where will you choose to direct and spend your powerful and precious life force -energy, time, and care this second half of the year? What really matters to you? What could flourish - in your work, your relationships, your personal wellness and growth - if you just focused there? What could drain you?  These are the inquiries wisdom requires us to ask ourselves if we desire to stay focused on what really matters and direct our energy and resources in powerful focused ways instead of fragmenting our energy trying to too do much, the wrong things, or the wrong things at the wrong time. Every June Solstice, I, Christine Arylo, women's leadership advisor and transformational catalyst, take a "Power Pause" for myself and for years I have been leading others to take these power pauses as ways to strengthen their careers, businesses, health, wealth, relationships and happiness. This year I led a virtual retreat, a one day retreat in Valley of the Moon Wine Country, a 3-hour retreat for a tech companies Women Leaders