Karen Swain Atp Radio

Shantari and Ori Shanti Christo Aramaic Sound Codes Activations



Ori Ana Lightning is a Receiver, Custodian and Attuned Oracle for the Shanti Christo Sound Symbol, Aramaic Sound Codes Activations. (Robyn Collins) Shantari and Ori are both Way of Mastery Pathway teachers sharing their own unique gifts received from their separate pilgrimages to Israel. At the height of his material, professional and artistic achievement, a dark night of the soul announced itself that lasted three years, everything closed down and went dark. Even his singing voice was taken, he couldn’t sing a note and in the depths of despair he looked up to call on to a God he didn’t really believe in, and he said “If this is it, I don’t want it take everything, there has to be another way.” Robyn is the author of “Return to Soul' creator of The Awakening Process - The Inana System - I AM Presence - Primordial Meditation and producer of “Sacred Soul CD’s”. She is an Australian and international spiritual seminar and retreat facilitator , professional psychotherapist and inspired Soul Psychologist ( Soul C