Something To Wrestle With Bruce Prichard

Episode 99: The Big Boss Man



From an untrained enhancement talent to the main event at Madison Square Garden against Hulk Hogan in under three years, nobody has a story like Ray Traylor! Bruce and Conrad briefly touch on the Big Bubba Rogers days before breaking down how Boss Man got his big break in the business and how the gimmick came to be, why he was chosen to work with Hogan, why the character got over, why Hogan loved working with him, why Slick was chosen instead of Bobby Heenan, how much money Boss Man was making on top (?!), how Andre felt about him, why Boss Man was turned babyface, whether or not he was considered for a tag title run with Akeem or an IC title run, why he lost so much weight during his first run, why he left, how he came by, how he was repackaged, the feud with Austin, why he was perfect for McMahon's Corporation, why he was sent to OVW, and what happened to end his run with WWE. We also talk about how Curt Hennig's death affected him, his relationship with the boys, his unfortunate passing at just 42 years ol