An Interview With Melissa Llarena

Is It Imposter Syndrome, That’s Holding You Back? Find Out, Episode 174



This is episode 174. We are going to talk about imposter syndrome especially amongst moms in business. At this point in my coaching career, I want to ensure that I am bringing my superpower of an explosive imagination to my ideal clients and through the grace of God and the fortitude with which I’ve been writing my book the answer that I’ve heard whispered in my ear over and over has been moms…specifically moms with businesses. So I’ve decided and made a declaration that I am officially on a mission to empower, embolden, and encourage 1-million-plus moms with a business in the next five years. Now in the words of Oprah, what would be the absolute best next possible step when you have an idea? In my case, it has been to talk to moms with businesses. I’ve begun to do this and something came up just this week that I want to address for you my listeners. It’s the signs that imposter syndrome is hurting your income and why this needs to stop especially amongst moms in business, these are three I’ve heard and that