Savage Babe

improving communication for better relationships feat. ambassador laurel kingsman



Welcome to the latest episode of our podcast, where we're excited to have Laurel, the Savage Babe Leader, join us for a conversation about improving communication with loved ones. Laurel has a unique perspective on how we can foster healthy relationships through better communication.   In this episode, Laurel shares her personal experiences and insights on how to navigate difficult conversations and misunderstandings with those closest to us. We explore the common roadblocks to effective communication and discuss strategies for overcoming them. From active listening and practicing empathy to setting boundaries and expressing our needs, Laurel offers practical tips and tools for strengthening our relationships.   You can stay connected to Laurel on Instagram by checking her out at: @crusaderforhealth   Savage Babe Collection is hosting a Blowout Spring Clearing Sale, and you can shop now by visiting their website at   Make sure to follow Savage Babe's Instagram accounts @savagebab