Jami Dulaney Md Plant Based Wellness

Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 430: Practice Choosing Hard



Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  We have so many nutritional options and things to choose leading to confusion and indecision.  There is more dietary advise advertised than just about anything else.  Eating is glamorous, social, and is portrayed as having a large role in our overall happiness.  Admitting that our food choices play a large role in our overall health is not the reality most people want to hear.   How many times have you said, we eat better than we used to?  We eat better than other people.  We don't eat fast food.  I need a cheat day.  I need a food reward.  Eating healthy is boring and takes too much time to prepare.  I am not a kitchen person.   Meanwhile, people are joining gyms and trying to get healthy.  No one enjoys taking medications.  So we try to improve our nutrition for a few days or weeks then it is back to the old habits.  Why?  Why can't we stick with it? We blame others for sabotaging us, though we always have a choice.  We call the right choice the hard choice.  Hard, is