Yusuf Circle Sheffield

Session 6 - Abdullah Ibn Masood (ra)- The false rumours in Makka caused 3 distict groups



Abdullah ibn Masood (ra) Session 6 Ibn Ummi Abd - The Son of The Mother of The Servant The Jurist of This Ummah 'I was given a vision of your abode in exile, a place of date palm between 2 tracts of black stones.' The false rumours in Makka caused 3 distict groups 1) Those who stayed in Makka, 2) athose who migrated to Al Mediana & 3) Those who returned to Abyssinia. Abu Musa (ra), the ship and his unintentional journey to Abyssinian. The value of 2 migrations and Asma's (ra) exchange with Umar (ra). The Salam is no longer returned during Salah (Surah 2 v238).