Enlightened By Dogs With Kathy Kawalec

EBD259 From Bark to Heart: Understanding Your Dog Through Dialogue



In this enlightening episode of "Enlightened by Dogs," host Kathy Kawalec explores the importance of communication as the foundation for building a successful, heart-centered relationship with your dog. Kathy delves into the various aspects of communication, including the exchange of information, ideas, and feelings between you and your dog. Throughout the episode, Kathy emphasizes the importance of a dialogue loop, a two-way exchange between you and your dog that fosters understanding and cooperation.  She shares insights on how humans often inadvertently teach their dogs to ignore them by focusing on training instead of cooperation, or by being distracted and incongruent. To build a strong partnership, Kathy encourages dog moms to be fully aware and consciously communicate with their dogs during every interaction. Kathy also discusses the significance of nonverbal communication and the power of intention in enhancing the partnership with your dog. By understanding the intention behind your dog's choices and