Yusuf Circle Sheffield

Session 11 - Abdullah Ibn Masood (ra)- People are sent to test people (Surah 6 v53).



Abdullah ibn Masood (ra) Session 11 Ibn Ummi Abd - The Son of The Mother of The Servant The Jurist of This Ummah The Master of The Secrets People are sent to test people (Surah 6 v53). The Messenger ﷺ, was first commanded to sit with 6 of his noble companions, Saad ibn Malik, Ibn Masood, Khabbab, Bilal, Suhayb & Ammaar (ra) and later instructed not to even leave their presence. Surah Al An'aam, The Surah of Shifaa, One of the Superior Surahs, The Surah of Tawheed.