Wise Words

79: Driving Innovation - The Intersection Between Tech & Learning ft. Isabelle Hau & Paul Kim



Register to attend GEF & WISE at Medellin: https://bit.ly/3LvdEI9 ------ You've undoubtedly heard of ChatGPT, the AI tool that's captured the attention of everyone from students and teachers to policymakers and governments. But the reality is that the pace of AI's evolution is already lightyears ahead of our ability to respond. Recent updates to Open AI's tool has enabled it to edit videos, write research papers, create a webpage from a rough sketch drawn on a napkin, and even serve as your very own virtual assistant for just about anything. The speed of its advancement has even made Open AI's founder, Sam Altman, a bit apprehensive about the ways it will change the world. Given the many implications of this powerful tool, we would be naive to think that we could tackle this multifacted issue in just one episode. So this time, we'll focus on the essentials: what do we know about AI so far and how should education respond? Recently, WISE Director Elyas Felfoul took a trip to Stanford University. He was su