Yusuf Circle Sheffield

Surah Hajj Verse 38 - 40 - Session 15



Surah Hajj Verse 38-40 Session 16 The Sunnah, The Purified Speech Hajj is Tawheed Allah SWT defends those who believe..., verse 38. The Narrative of The Neighbour, The Thief & The Circle of The Angels. The Messenger ﷺ exiled out of Makka necessitated fighting, verse 39 was the first verse to allow this. There are 2 Shelters, The Messenger ﷺ & seeking forgiveness, the latter remains to The Last Day (Tirmidhi). One set of people check another or else excessive oppression occurs, Surah 2 v251- Dawood (as) slew Jalut. One of the rights to establish Campaigns against oppression was to protect the Monks Chambers, Churches and Masjids.