Yusuf Circle Sheffield

Session 18 - Abdullah Ibn Masood (ra) - Ibn Masood prays with the Jinn.



Abdullah ibn Masood (ra) Session 18 Ibn Ummi Abd - The Son of The Mother of The Servant The Jurist of This Ummah The Master of The Secrets Ibn Masood prays with the Jinn. The Messenger ﷺ takes the thigh of Ibn Masood as a pillow, Angels descend and offer a parable... 'A leader builds a fortress, He then invites poeple to come & eat, whoever does not attend is punished severly.' Ibn Masood (ra) cures a seroiulsy ill patient by reciting S23 v115-118; 'Anyone with firm belief who recites over a mountain, then the mountain would move from its place (Abu Ya'laa).'