Karen Rands - Compassionate Capitalist

Building a Successful Business: "SMART" Team Building and Cash Flow Management with Kristy Yoder



Cashflow and skilled resources are critical as a business grows. Your business can't grow if the CEO is wearing all the hats.  Kristy Yoder, Founder and CEO of SMART VA, as a successful female business owner, share with Karen lessons learned from her journey of building a virtual assistant and interim execs outsourcing business that helps small businesses manage their resources, hiring, cash flow, and scaling their businesses. In this lively conversation, Karen and Kristy talk about how the importance of identifying your niche and focus, assessing your goals and skills so you can build a strong team, and the challenges she helps her clients overcome.  Key Take Aways are:  1. Building a Strong Team is crucial for any business's success. You will learn key factors around hiring people who share their vision, values, and work ethics, with the right skills for the work you need done as your scale your business.  2.  Cash Flow Management is critically important especially during the initial stages of business grow