Enlightened By Dogs With Kathy Kawalec

EBD261 From Frustration to Understanding and A Deeper Connection with Your Dog



In this episode of Enlightened by Dogs, Kathy Kawalec delves into the concept of understanding our dogs' behavior as communication, helping us to move away from frustration. She teaches us how to reframe our thoughts and reactions to our dogs when they don't seem to listen, and to see their actions as an unmet need rather than defiance.    Kathy emphasizes the importance of connecting with our dogs on a deeper level by stepping into their paws and meeting them where they are. This episode offers valuable insights on how to create a stronger bond with our dogs and help them feel valued, loved, and understood, ultimately leading to a more attentive and responsive relationship.   In this episode:   Reframe your thoughts and see your dog's behavior as communication of an unmet need. Connect with your dog on a deeper level and strive for connection instead of correction. Guide and role model your dog by being clear, patient, and engaging in a heart-to-heart connection.   Quotes:   "Behavior is communicatio