Chats With Susan Burrell

The Rich Power of Your Chakras



EP# 229 - The Rich Power of Your Chakras, An Interview with Yoga Teacher and Author, Masuda Mohamadi   This interview began with laughter. The kind that brings forth playfulness and joy. I am so excited to introduce my guest, Masuda Mohamadi.  She is a yoga teacher and an author. Her book is entitled, “Unlock the Power of Your Chakras.” And let me tell you this is one fantastic and powerful book. As I said, I started this interview with laughter which is centered in the Navel Chakra. And the laughter was just a natural response to my connection with Masuda and the wonderful pre-interview we had before I started recording this episode. I love my job and the many interesting and fascinating people I get to connect with. Masuda attended a retreat many years ago that introduced her to the body chakra system. As she explored the body chakra graph even more, she realized she had lost touch with her own body. And this new practice taught her a roadway back into her essence.  What I absolutely love about this book is