Yusuf Circle Sheffield

Session 21 - Abdullah Ibn Masood (ra)- Qadr at Badr



Abdullah ibn Masood (ra) Session 21 Ibn Ummi Abd - The Son of The Mother of The Servant The Jurist of This Ummah The Master of The Secrets Qadr at Badr Abdur Reham ibn Auf and the 2 sons of Syed Afra Mu'aadh and Mu'awwadh (ra) in file at Badr, the latter 2 attacked Abo Jahl like 2 Peregrine falcons. Both Amr ibn Al-Jamooh & Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Haraam (ra) are buried together at Uhud, since they both were intimate friends. In total, 5 were involved in the killing of the wretched Abo Jahl including the angels, the 2 sons of Afra, Amr ibn Al-Jamooh and Ibn Masood (ra).