You're Welcome with Hilary Rushford

Ep 160: My Story 2 of 3: Ignoring red flags to chase a dream



In 2011 I started a business as a stylist. I’d moved to New York City for my career in theater after a Broadway tour, Radio City Rockettes, and all that jazz.   [The below timeline is not covered in the episode and included here for backstory.]   In 2014 a friend who worked at a top publisher told me that my style course, “had to be a book.” She’d told everyone in her office my principles and they were using them daily–women needed this. I told her that sounded like a lot of work for very little money. We were both right.   In 2016 I began writing the book in fits and starts, always “let’s just get through one more launch, just a little more income so we aren’t burned out and *then* I’ll write the book.”   By 2020 I decided *then* was never going to come. I had to take the leap. I hired a book coach and in 2021 they introduced me to a top agent. My book went to auction and my dream was coming true.   For a year I absolutely adored the writing process (which most authors bemoan) yet was traumatized by the publ