Malcolm Cox

S2: "The Glory will be Greater" | Haggai Chapter 1 | Malcolm Cox



1. It is a blessing to have people point us back to God     1. Do we have the right priority? v2-4         - Roof         - Psalm 27:4     2. Have we been paying attention to the way God is trying to get our attention? vv5-6, 9-11         - Brexit; COVID; War; Energy crisis; inflation         - Personal life: health; kids; ageing parents; jobs;      3. Do it for God, v8         - His Pleasure & Honour         - My spiritual retreat     - Question: Who do you have in your life that points you back to God?        2. It is a joy to build for God’s pleasure and honour, v7-8, 12-14     1. Mountains - costly     2. All involved:          - Are you willing to work for the LORD in this congregation?         - Do you know what that means?         - One of our aspirations: ‘Toiling to build the church well’     3. God’s strength - ‘the LORD stirred’         - Psalm 27:4. Spiritual disciplines open us up to the work of the Spirit in our lives.          - What spiritual disciplines are you aware of?             - Sol