Malcolm Cox

S2: Class 2 | “Finding the Father’s Face” Series | Watford Men 2022



We can only know the true nature of God as Father from the Scriptures. The Lord’s Prayer teaches prayer, but it also teaches us how to relate to God as Father, and what he is like This series is designed to help us  1. Understand our Father better through what is revealed in the Lord’s Prayer  2. Come to know him better & enjoy our Father-God 3. Be a more Father-God-like father to our children (if we have them) 4. Represent Father-God more accurately to the world and thus make him more attractive for people to get to know Introduction, Matthew 6:9-13 - ““This, then, is how you should pray:    - Our Father in heaven          - Father-God is nearby - hallowed be your name,          - Father-God is holy             - “Holiness has to do with purity. Jesus is teaching us that there is nothing bad about God. God can neither sin nor participate in evil. In one word, God is pure.” The Good and Beautiful God, James Bryan Smith, p60 Our Father God is holy Defining ‘hallowed’         - To make holy, treat as ho