Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep260: Teaching Tips 260 | "Jesus is gonna fix it - or is he?" | Malcolm Cox



The song: Jesus is gonna fix it – Matt Genese: The book: Christian Worship and Technological Change: Susan J. White Media Saturation * How is media influencing our congregational worship, teaching and preaching? * Competing ‘authorities’ have multiplied in advertising and compete for our trust. * What is ‘good’, ‘healthy’, ‘effective’? * Broadcast services have led to greater predictability in worship. Standardisation is what viewers like – a formula that works for them and they know to expect and trust. * Megachurches have much in common: ‘strong authoritarian leadership, a predictable (if not invariable) pattern…’ 117 * High technical standards, predictability, easy to follow, clear strong leadership. * Nothing new, but now more pervasive than ever because of media saturation. * Media has tried to convince us there is a ‘fix’ for every problem. * Has this influenced how people, and leaders think about worship? Fixing it * Is our worship attempting to solve a pr