Yusuf Circle Sheffield

Session 29 - Abdullah Ibn Masood (ra) - Tabuk & 30,000 Companions



Abdullah ibn Masood (ra) Session 29 Ibn Ummi Abd - The Son of The Mother of The Servant The Jurist of This Ummah The Master of The Secrets Tabook & 30,000 Companions Umar (ra), 'We left for Tabook during the months of sweltering heat… Later we camped up and became so thirsty we thought our neck would break apart.' Abu Dharr (ra) lags behind during the march to Tabook. Abdullah Zhoo al Bijaadayn Al Munzee (ra) had passed way, The Messenger ﷺ prays… 'O Allah SWT I’m pleased with him You SWT also be pleased with him.' Al Aw'waah, the enraptured supplicant and other meanings.