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Americans Want State Policymakers to Lower Out-of-Pocket Costs for Prescription Medicines



Too many Americans are struggling to access and afford their healthcare. But, adults largely agree on what policymakers at the state level should be doing to deliver relief to patients at the pharmacy counter. A new nationwide poll on behalf of PhRMA finds that 86 percent agree that lowering out-of-pocket costs should be a top priority. A majority in all 50 states (plus D.C.) support solutions that would help patients pay less for their medicines—and provide better oversight of middlemen. Among the most-popular solutions is ensuring that patients don’t pay more for their medicine than insurance companies or their middlemen, such as pharmacy-benefit managers (PBMs): 80 percent of adults agree that lawmakers should require them to pass the rebates and discounts that they receive directly to patients. Other popular solutions include: Ensure that insurers and middlemen are held accountable for their role in creating barriers between patients and the medicines that they need. (83 percent) Require all insura