Profitable Farmer

Episode 120 - Will your BUSINESS MODEL stack up



For many, the last few years have been unique and positive – resulting from low inflation, low-interest rates, above-average commodity prices and above-average production.   Now, our current reality is very different.   We will likely see an extended period of increased inflation, increasing interest rates and softening commodity prices. In addition, from a production standpoint, there is talk of El Nino weather patterns ahead…   The question we should ALL be asking is: Can my farm business model handle this new reality?   In this episode, I call on the “Brains Trust”, inviting Farm Owners Academy Co-Founder Greg Johnsson and Executive Director at RLS Agribusiness Jeff McDonald to join me to explore this question in detail.   We discuss the importance of:   knowing your numbers; presenting proactively to your bank; developing a compelling economic model for your farm; stress-testing your farming system based on long-term average yield & prices; knowing your ‘new’ cost of production; and being financially