Made in America with Ari Santiago

Pivoting through Four Generations with Capri Brighenti, Miller Foods



In this episode, Ari swaps stories with Capri Brighenti, President & CEO of Miller Foods, a pet food manufacturer known for its Oma's Pride brand of raw pet food.   Capri tells Ari the incredible story of the company's evolution from egg delivery to turkey farm to pet food manufacturer in the span of 3 generations. She talks about the challenges they faced after her grandparents passed and her mother and aunt immediately lost their biggest customer. They learned the importance of diversification while serendipitously landing on their next great idea - raw pet food.   Capri talks about the importance of technology in the growth of their business and explains how they stay connected with their customers in this online world.   Finally, Capri shares her secret to staying focused - her "Word of the Year."   Capri's Favorite business books: Traction, Gino Wickman Progress over Perfection, Emma Norris   Capri Brighenti, Miller Foods Company Website: Company Instagram: https: