C View Quantum Network

6/9 ~ C View 2023 The Shift of the Ages: How Can We Accelerate Our Evolution?



Join Dr. Jane Smolnik Boyd in her upcoming show with C View Quantum Network: "The Shift of the Ages: How Can We Accelerate Our Evolution?" and embark on a profound journey of inner healing and personal transformation. Throughout our lives, we have been shaped by societal programming, limiting beliefs, and unresolved traumas passed down through generations. These deeply ingrained patterns and subconscious limitations hinder our ability to create the magnificent lives we desire. call (805) 830-8344 Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/12206162 Dr. Jane introduces her innovative approach to healing on a cellular and DNA level. Drawing upon her extensive experience as a Naturopathic Doctor, Kinesiologist, and Iridologist, she shares the profound insights she has gained over the years. Through her meticulously crafted charts and the guidance of spiritual beings such as Guides, Angels, and Ancestors, Dr. Jane helps us identify and release trapped emotions, core fears, limiting beliefs, and other energetic blockages that