Alison Thompson's posts

S3 Ep3: Sheryl Andrews on Writing Your Legacy



Welcome to Conversations with Authors, where I – Alison Thompson, AKA The Proof Fairy – meet amazing authors and find out what inspires them to write and what advice they would offer other aspiring authors.    My guest today is Sheryl Andrews: personal performance and relationship coach, motivational speaker and the author of Manage your Critic – From Overwhelm to Clarity in 7 Steps.  During our conversation we talk about asking for help, leaving a legacy and speaking your truth – whether that’s to help yourself or help others. We also explore breaking big ideas down into manageable chunks and the pros and cons of self-publishing.  Trigger warning: Our conversation took some unexpected turns and touches briefly on topics including drug abuse and self-harm. Please don’t listen if you might find it upsetting.    More About Sheryl Andrews  Sheryl Andrews is a personal performance and relationship coach, motivational speaker and author of Manage Your Critic – From Overwhelm to Clarity in 7 Steps” and fort