Submarine And A Roach

Episode 145: "Does Your Podcast Make Money? Go Money > Audio Money"



The second Submaroach Episode of the week is brought to you by GoMoney. Download the app: Get ready to burst into laughter with the hilarious trio of Koj, Tmt, and Mayowa on their side-splitting Nigerian podcast! If you're on the lookout for funny Nigerian podcasts and comedians, look no further. In this uproarious episode, Tmt takes a swipe at P-Square, while Koj fiercely defends his beloved Omole Estate boys. The banter is top-notch and the arguments are hilarious, making it a must-listen for fans of Nigerian music and comedy. But that's not all! They have a special guest who paid to be on the show - Nnamdi Ehirim, the talented author of the sensational book "Prince of Monkeys" and Head of Finance & Strategy at the renowned GoMoney digital bank. This episode promises laughter and entertainment in abundance! Join the trio as they dive into the exciting world of fintech and explore Nnamdi's journey as a published author. They delve into