Dr Karin Love & Life

“Nice Guy, But . . . Syndrome” with Dr. Duana Welch, Part 2 Ep. 251



We’re back for part 2 of our conversation with Dr. Duana Welch to tackle the frustrating reality so many women experience—they want to fall for a good guy, but struggle to feel the sparks and attraction. Dr. Welch calls this the “Nice Guy, but Syndrome” because she hears this all too often, “He’s a nice guy, but . . .” In part 2 we cover the following: Do you really have an Anxious Attachment style or do you need to alter some fundamental dating strategies? Why we’re attracted to bad boys and what we can do about it! How fear causes us to give too much too soon—which exacerbates our anxiety and reduces his capacity to be drawn to us. Tangible steps to take to build attraction to the nice guy! How Dr. Welch met her “nice guy” husband online in a few short months. If you’re suffering from “Nice Guy, But . . . Syndrome,” help is here! Join us to learn how to fall for the stayers, and sidestep the players! Dr. Duana Welch Website: http://lovesciencemedia.com  Dr. Karin & Pastor Elliott Anderson W