Wise Words

81: A Conversation with Sam Altman - Education City Speakers Series Special



This episode is brought to you and produced by the Education City Speaker Series, a Qatar Foundation platform for open knowledge and discussion which invites various speakers from around the world to share key insights about our world for free with the public. Check out more of their conversations here: https://www.qf.org.qa/ecss When Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI (the organization behind ChatGPT and other tools like DALL-E) was invited to speak at Qatar Foundation’s Education City Speaker Series, many from the Qatar Foundation community quickly flocked to secure their seats for the talk. Prior to the day, a poll was shared with the audience asking them how concerned they are about the impact of AI on our world. The results were interesting, with just 18% stating not at all, 30% said a little, and an overwhelming 51% responded ‘very concerned’. The results are arguably reflective of a global sentiment - another recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center found that while a majority of US citizens kne