An Interview With Melissa Llarena

184: How To Teach Resilience And Negotiation Skills To School-Age Kids (Mom Summer Camp Series)



What if YOU were the best teacher or coach to teach your kids THE life skills they'll need to become resilient, emotionally intelligent, or even better at advocating for themselves? What if... I believe that our kids can handle more than we can even imagine. Way more. Did you hear about the kids lost in the Amazon who fended for themselves and survived?  That's such an outlier situation and it's SO scary for me to imagine but what it did remind me is: our kids can be resilient and tougher than the obstacles life will present in front of them. Hasn't this been the case for you? You've been through some stuff yet here you are reading this and tuning into Unimaginable Wellness. There's something in you that helped you rise up or beyond several obstacles so why not teach your kids how to do the same this summer season? That's what I'm doing this summer....because I've got lessons and stuff to do too! This summer why not impart some of your skills intentionally to your kid/s? This week's episode is ver