Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

How to Build an Army of Irrationally Loyal Fans to Your Brand [Deb Gabor Interview]



Imagine building an army of irrationally loyal fans for your brand, fans who keep coming back for more and help your business thrive in today's competitive marketplace. In our captivating conversation with branding expert and author Deb Gabor, we discuss just that - the secrets to turning customers into devoted followers and her latest book, 'Person-Ality Cultivate Your Human Authority to Ignite Irrational Brand Loyalty'.Deb's journey from working at AT&T Bell Labs and other technology startups to becoming an accidental entrepreneur is both fascinating and inspiring. We dive deep into the concept of irrational loyalty, the Brand Values Pyramid, and the four-point formula for creating a winning brand strategy. Deb also shares her passion for working with unsexy brands in unsexy categories, and the importance of branding in the B2B world for building strong connections with clients.We even explore the potential of AI in marketing and branding, and whether it could ever replace the human