Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

How I am Tweaking My Social Media Marketing for 2023



Unplugging for a week being sick gave me a chance to reimagine my own social media marketing for the new year. The truth is, when it comes to social media, many businesses continue to do the same old same old even as content consumption tastes change. Social media content creation also requires the resources of time and money, so here is how I recommend you get the biggest bang for your social media marketing buck in the new year.Key Highlights[03:41] Changes That I Am Going to Take in Social Media[04:15] The Concept of Content Curation[06:29] The Analysis That I Did[09:33] What Kind of Pins Work Best?[13:58] Reducing the Volume of Content, But Increasing the Quality[17:04] You Don't Need to Go Overboard[17:33] Reasons Why You Need to Use YouTube Shorts More[18:38] The Quality of An Instagram Reel[19:09] My Strategy on TikTok That I RecommendNotable QuotesLess is more. Aim for impact with every piece of content. If your content is not impactful, don't worry about it. You don't have to share it