Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

13 Influencer Marketing Trends for 2023 That You Should Know



I’ve talked a lot about influencer marketing over the past several years, both on this podcast and in my book, “The Age of Influence.” The practice of influencer marketing has changed since 2019 and 2020, when I wrote that book. For that reason, we need to look at the current influencer marketing trends if our campaigns and techniques are to remain successful. Let’s take a look at why influencer marketing is effective and what trends we can expect to develop over the next year.Key Highlights[08:01] True Long-Term Influencer Partnerships[09:27] Authenticity Over Perfection[11:10] Think Video First[11:47] Emergence of Live Shopping[12:43] Nano Micro-Influencers As Forefront[14:10] The Growth of Influencer Marketplace[15:50] The Concept of Frist Party Data[18:54] Affiliate Marketing As A Critical Part of Influencer Marketing[20:38] Employees As New InfluencersNotable QuotesThe more you hear people talking about the Creator economy, the more that you should understand influencer marketing is relevant. Because the