You're Welcome with Hilary Rushford

Ep 169: When you’re not as far as you’d hoped this time last year



What if you’ve worked so hard the last year, only to feel so far from where you hoped you’d be?   You’re still in debt, or the business still isn’t working; still waiting on the adoption or walking through infertility; still haven’t met your person, or aren’t over the relationship you lost.   Or in my case, I’m not as healed, as undefined from grief a year ago as I thought just a few months ago I might feel passing the anniversary.   If you feel far from your peak, you’re not alone, and I’m on the journey with you. Would love to hear from you on Instagram @hilaryrushford after the episode, and if you think this could make someone else feel less alone, share it and tag me so I can see what spoke to you!