Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

[Coaching] How to Give Feedback to a Difficult Team Member



Have you ever had to manage a difficult team member? It can be a challenge, especially when personalities clash and work styles don't align. As women leaders, we tend to be conscientious of relationships and want everyone to enjoy their job. This is fantastic and yet we also need to be aware that this can sometimes hold us back from having difficult conversations and giving honest feedback. In this on-air coaching episode, Louise, a Head of Department in education, shares her struggles with managing a team member who lacks urgency and falls behind on tasks. If getting on the same page with someone has been a challenge for you, this is episode is going to give you some things to think about. Resources Episode Show Notes: Transcript and links mentioned in this episode. Register for the How to Get Mentally Fit webinar: Learn the 3 core muscles to build to gain mental fitness. Apply to be on an “On-Air Coaching” episode: Are you a female leader who has been promoted in the last year? You are invited to apply to