Simple Daily Practice Radio With Peggy Freeh

Sarahjoy Marsh - Yoga to Recover and Thrive (interview)



Sarahjoy’s first daily practices were not kind ones.  She compulsively weighed herself, obsessed about food, and exercised all the time.  Making art was her only escape from thinking about her body and food.   She went on a solo backpacking trip.  She struggled up the trail with an overloaded backpack.  When she got above the treeline, she put down her pack.  As she looked around, she experienced an expansiveness and freedom that she had totally lost touch with in her obsession with food.   She started to move her body and connect with how her body actually felt.  Soon after she arrived home, she discovered that the movements she spontaneously did had a name - yoga.   She started practicing yoga and meditation, and she was able to recover from her food addiction.   She continued her own practices, and became a yoga teacher and yoga therapist.  She has gone on to create a 360 degree life, one where she is able to fully embrace and express all aspects of herself.  Listen to her story of the practices she used t