An Interview With Melissa Llarena

186: Join the 21 Day imagination to Impact Challenge (Uncover Your Next Idea & Your School-Aged Child's Interests)



You left a conventional career to create your own entrepreneurial path. It's part of your goal to be around and stay flexible enough to be present with your kids and to raise them yourself as the primary caregiver.   So you are at this crossroads at the beginning of your freelancing, coaching, and services business and you've been bombarded with things to do.   Your mental load today would require more than a Tonka truck to unload and in the Fall your kids will be in school full-time. However, even then your kids are on your mind and obviously in your heart. So how are you going to do this? Where do you start?   Is there a way to avoid the mom guilt? Are there boundaries you can build now to put your best ideas out there without imploded from overwhelm? Will you have to miss sleep to squeeze in your hopes and dreams?   Do you have more questions about how to approach your entrepreneurial journey and mom life than answers?   Remember, missing out on your kid's school-age journey is N