Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

Lessons from My Digital Entrepreneur Journey (So Far)



Monetizing your knowledge by creating and selling digital products is not as easy as the experts make it out to be. I want to share with you my own experiences and how I view setbacks as a painful but necessary step to find success in order to inspire you to continue your digital entrepreneurial journey as I am continuing mine.Key Highlights[02:28] My pre-launch survey[03:42] How I Define Digital Entrepreneur[05:03] The Social Media Marketing Buffet[06:25] You Are What You Tweet[07:44] What I've Learned In The Process of Launching Digital First[08:08] Why You Need Data[10:40] It's Not About the Follower Count[12:51] Cohort-Based Learning[16:30] Why I Like Taking Funnel Approach[20:12] The Kind of Mindset I Want You to HaveNotable QuotesThis is the social media marketing buffet. We have appetizers, we have main dishes, we have desserts, we have drinks, and everybody is going to consume things slightly differently. And I think when it comes to education, we've seen this democratization of things