Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

217: Align to Your Design: Your Part + Your Gift + Your Career Path: (#1 of 3)



What is your "design?" What does that even mean? And why does knowing and having language for your innate design and the evolution of your design have everything to do with having a north star for how you make decisions in what you do, and how you do it in every part of your life? This is not about what color your parachute is, or a what your sun sign is (although fun to know, these surface level dips into ourselves are not the same about understanding the depth and full tapesty and spectrum of your design).  Consider this: Every body is different. Our dharma, our karma, our gifts, our paths, our lessons, our self expression. Yet, when it comes to career, lifestyle, wellbeing, money, relationships, we are shown images, prescriptions, expectations for success vs. taught how to tune into and stay true to our unique design. So of course, wouldn't it be wise to know as much as we can about our design? So the paths we choose and the choices we make create the sustainable realities that create the environments that